Enzo Mari Workshop & Social:
Build a Sedia 1 (Chair)
Saturday March 9th
1:00 - 4:00 PM EST
An afternoon honoring Enzo Mari (1932-2020), unparalleled Italian designer and artist. Following a coffee-snack bar and viewing of five Mari furniture designs constructed by our studio - enjoy an introduction to the designer and his book Autoprogettazione?, a full demonstration of the construction of his beloved Sedia chair, and guided time to build a chair of your own, for your own space.
Pre-cut common board pine and steel nails - the only materials required - will be provided to each participant along with an affixed label as originally issued by Enzo Mari, stating that the piece is not intended for resale.
With intrigue in anticipation of the Enzo Mari retrospective opening at London's Design Museum (March 29th, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist & Francesca Giacomelli), we look forward to sharing with a local creative community how the designer has moved us to build.
100 43rd Street, Studio #101
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201