Enzo Mari Workshop & Social:
Build a Sedia 1 (Chair) -
Saturday August 24th
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
A morning honoring Enzo Mari (1932-2020), unparalleled Italian designer and artist. Following a coffee-snack bar and viewing of Mari furniture designs constructed by our studio - enjoy an introduction to the designer and his book Autoprogettazione?, a full demonstration of the construction of his beloved Sedia chair, and guided time to build a chair of your own, for your own space - indoors or out. Our second edition workshop introduces the option to use cedar wood for an outdoor chair that will weather over time.
Pre-cut common board pine or cedar and steel nails - the only materials required - will be provided to each participant along with an affixed label as originally issued by Enzo Mari, stating that the piece is not intended for resale.
100 43rd Street, Studio #101
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201